
by Contemporary Cruising |

Mother Earth Sister Moon Fashion Show, Joanna Malinowska, Christian Tomaszewski, music: Masami Tomihisa, Nottingham Contemporary, England, 2010

by Contemporary Cruising |

Body + Freedom, Florentina Holzinger, Nils Amadeus Lange, Vincent Riebeek, Manuel Scheiwiller, Curated by Eva Birkenstock, Liste, Basel, 2015

by Contemporary Cruising |

Kiss Kiss (2002) Tino Sehgal with Florentina Holzinger, Vincent Riebeek, stedelijk, 2015

by Contemporary Cruising |

HELLO, SELFIE! Performance by Kate Durbin & Cohort, with Elizabeth Mputu, Leah Aron, Monica McClure, Elena Kanagy-Loux, Andrea Crespo, Leah Schrager, Grace Miceli, Monica Mirabile, Andrea Crespo, Leah Aron, Monica McClure images: Emily Raw

by Contemporary Cruising |

Pinky Rose & Painted Stain, Punk Girl/Punk Boy @ Centre for Style USA Tour NYC 7/3/15
