
by Contemporary Cruising |

The tremble, the symptom, the swell and the hole together by Alex Baczynski-Jenkins, 2017, Chisenhale Gallery, London. Image: Mark Blower

by Contemporary Cruising |

Par Terre by Nadja Voorham with Victoria Kaldan, London, 2017. Images: Christopher Tym.

by Contemporary Cruising |

Mundi Vondi, 2007

by Contemporary Cruising |

Miniature time sculpture for no audience_by ​Stav Yeini with guardians Mikko Hyvönen & Ezra Fieremans, photos: Joeri Thiry, STUK – House for Dance, Image & Sound , Leuven Belgium

by Contemporary Cruising |

Crumbling World Runway by India Salvor Menuez featuring pieces by Maria José, Sara Grace Powell, Rowan Oliver, Ser Serpas, Women’s History Museum, and Ariel Zetina. PS1, NYC, Photo Elise Gallant, Charles Roussel

by Contemporary Cruising |

Diamante con Suspensión alive installation by Maria Forque, James Fuentes Gallery, NYC
