
by Contemporary Cruising |

Matter of Matters by Andrius Mulokas, sound/performance: Steev Lemercier, Fotos: Michel CHRISTELBACH, Volksroom , Brussels, 2017

by Contemporary Cruising |

Zoe Williams, Ceremony of the Void, 2017, performance in DRAF Studio, 7 Sept 2017. Costumes
by H Y D R A. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Antoine Levi, Paris. Photo: Dan Weill, except Nr 9-13.
Musicians: Patchfinder, Viki Steiri, Dario Papavassiliou. Performers: Mensah A. Bonsu, Freya Field-Donovan, Susu Laroche, Deniz Unal, Nadja Voorham.

by Contemporary Cruising |

Ernestyna Orlowska, God is a Girl (Party Remix Series), Stadtgalerie Bern, 2017, Photos by David Aebi

by Contemporary Cruising |

to come (extended)_c) by Mette Ingvartsen with Johanna Chemnitz, Katja Dreyer, Bruno Freire, Bambam Frost , Ghyslaine Gau, Elias Girod, Gemma Higginbotham, Dolores Hulan, Jacob Ingram-Dodd , Anni Koskinen, Olivier Muller, Calixto Neto, Danny Neyman, Norbert Pape, Hagar Tenenbaum Replacements: Alberto Franceschini, Manon, Image by Jens Sethzman

by Contemporary Cruising |

Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome, something orange: our bodies slip slide through knowing,
performed by Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome and Jamila Johnson-Small on 7 Sept 2017 at DRAF,London.
Courtesy the artist. Photo: Dan Weill

by Contemporary Cruising |

Angela Goh and Bhenji Ra, Rogue Agents performance , Firstdraft and Auto Italia, 2017,
photo by Catherine McElhone

by Contemporary Cruising |

Angela Goh, Uncanny Valley Girl photo by Document Photography
