by Contemporary Cruising |

Scorpions by Chris Habana and Vincent Tiley, 2hr performance, performed by Jerome AB, Forrest Wu, and Ash Yergens at The Museum of Art and Design in New York City, 2017, photos are by Heidi Bohnenkamp, image 1. by Bryson Rand

by Contemporary Cruising |

Jeannette Ehlers, Into the dark, Teater Får 302, Copenhagen, Images: Søren Meisner

by Contemporary Cruising |
Maria Forque, The silnet coinncidence

by Contemporary Cruising |

Vast Graveyard of the Missing by Sánchez-Kane with Rafa Esparza, ICA LA, Photo: CPFC

by Contemporary Cruising |

Shian Law, Transmission, 2017

by Contemporary Cruising |

Dance To Dance To Trailer by Ludvig Daae with Viktoria Andersson, Marcus Baldemar and Ulrika Berg, 2017