by Contemporary Cruising |
WOMEN’S HISTORY MUSEUM: 004 MEW+ (OFFICIAL VIDEO), Directed by Alma Yei, Shoes: Gabi Rivera-Morales, Music: Aran Atsuo and Amanda McGowan

by Contemporary Cruising |

Ola Maciejewska, BOMBYX MORI, 2015 Images: Martin Argyroglo

by Contemporary Cruising |

Olivier Saillard and Mathilde Monnier, J.M. WESTON – Défilé pour 27 chaussures, Grand Palais, Paris, 2018

by Contemporary Cruising |

YGRG14X: reading with the single hand by Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė Performers: Jaana-Kristiina Alakoski, Elin Gonzalez and Javier Marquerie Thomas, Cell Project Space, London, 2018

by Contemporary Cruising |

pith pt0/Submit by Josh Johnson, Thilo Garus at J/U/N/E, Berlin, 2018