
by Contemporary Cruising |

Quand le luxe flirte avec la transgression, François Chaignaud & Benjamin Dukhan, l’Hôtel Particulier Montmartre curated by Mehdi Brit, Paris, 2011

by Contemporary Cruising |

ALTERED NATIVES’ SAY YES TO ANOTHER EXCESS — TWERK by Cecilia Bengolea, François Chaignaud with Élisa Yvelin, Ana Pi, Alex Mugler, François Chaignaud, Cecilia Bengolea, music by Elijah et Skilliam (Butterz record, Londres, UK)

by Contemporary Cruising |

1NVERS1ONS, a work by Nick Mauss for Frieze Projects 2014 with Juliana Huxtable, Marco Gomez, Kim Gordon, Lorena Randi, the Northern Ballet, and National Youth Ballet.
Image courtesy Polly Braden (Images 52 – 59)

by Contemporary Cruising |

The miserable thing, Fernando Belfiore, with Antonio Onio Images: images: NEU/NOW festival – Tallin’, 1.-4. Nellie de Boer, Melkweg,Amsterdam, at Melkweg by Marcin Robak, at FLAMII Arti Gallery Amsterdam by (TML) Tomas Lenden.

by Contemporary Cruising |

FEST, Ivo Dimchev, Images 1-13: Maximilian Pramatarov
