
by Contemporary Cruising |

Inhuman, Johannes Paul Raether, Transformella, „Systema identitecturae 1.3 / Cryo Communisat 0.0.1“, Fridericianum, Kassel, 2015

by Contemporary Cruising |

LIVING SOFT WARE, Stav Yeini, Work space brussels, Images: Jan Lietaert Vindevogel, Brussels, 2015

by Contemporary Cruising |

YuNG + OPN (YOuNG + OPEN), Natalie Abbott, photo: Terry Lyn Photography, Taipei Art Festival, 2015

by Contemporary Cruising |

twister, Voin de Voin, Sariev gallery, Vienna Contemporary, 2015

by Contemporary Cruising |

PULSE big bodies, Antoine Bellini, Lou Masduraud

by Contemporary Cruising |

Index by Emily Mast with Jos McKain, Teilo Troncy, Mona Bismarck American Center and Silencio club, Paris
