
by Contemporary Cruising |

Julián Sorter, Ojitis, BIPP MMXVI, curated by Marcelo Galindo, Sebastián Desbats y Misionera (Melisa Rheingrüber, Lilén Nube y Cecilia Closa), 2016, CABA

Julian Sorter, Performance Things, curated by Lolo and Lauti Buy Lucipro Cipro without Prescription , UV Estudios, Caba, Argentina 2016

by Contemporary Cruising |

Ryan McNamara and John Zorn, Commedia dell’arte. with Alexandra Albrecht, Dylan Crossman, Stanley Gambucci, John Hoobyar, Kyli Kleven, Frank Lombardi, India Salvor Menuez and Quenton Stuckey
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City

by Contemporary Cruising |

Sarah Michelson, Devotion Study #1—The American Dancer, February 2012, at Whitney Biennial 2012. Photograph © Paula Court

by Contemporary Cruising |

Alpina Huus, Le Commun, Geneva. Julie Monot, Wodwo, 2017, Image: Neige Sanchez

by Contemporary Cruising |

Tori Wrånes. Your Next Vacation is Calling. Performance, Lilith Performance Studio, Malmø, 2014

by Contemporary Cruising |

Tori Wrånes, YOUR NEXT VACATION IS CALLING with: Kjell Mardon Gunvaldsen, Gustav Gunvaldsen, Monika Lyko, Tove Bruun Munch, Eirik Slyngstad, Pether Lindgren, Ida Mårdhed, Vladica Culic, Rabia Sirag Ali, Selma Kjellsson, Joar Dahlskog, Giselle Munnier Escobar, Magnus Dahlgren. Lilith Performance Studio, Malmo, Sweden
