
by Contemporary Cruising |

Free car washThe Fantastic Nobodies,(the founding artists are David Henry Brown Jr., Marc Grubstein, Steve Johnson, Daniel Joseph, Eric Laine and Chad Spicer), Cutlog 2013, NYC

by Contemporary Cruising |

Come Clean by Vincent Riebeek, with Maria Metsalu and Renee Copraaij, photo by Nellie de Boer, Amsterdam

by Contemporary Cruising |


Drift, Agnes Yit, photo: Henry Chan

by Contemporary Cruising |


If You Believe In 21 Rihanna Will Be The One by Matthew Ranggbeig, Offspace Hinterhof Basel, 2012

by Contemporary Cruising |

Oktophonie, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Rikrit Tiravanija at Park Avenue Armory, 2009
